The Formula: Supplemental Material

On 9/12/2019, I made a post indicating my intention to publish articles on 4 topics – topics designed to provide explanatory material to supplement my novel, The Formula. These 4 topics were:

  1. RSA encryption
  2. Quantum encryption
  3. Bell’s Theorem
  4. Bohmian mechanics

My articles on these 4 topics have finally been published. Here are the links to those articles:

Some additional background material is also needed to understand the rather complicated subject of Bohmian mechanics. Here are links to those pages:

This project (at least for me) has been a massive undertaking. As noted in my last post, I’ve attempted to edit as best I could, but if any errors or inaccuracies have gotten by me, please let me know by clicking on the “Contact” link in the right upper corner of the page.

Bohmian Mechanics

My page on Bohmian mechanics has finally been published. Despite my initial (unrealistic) ambitions to the contrary, this could not have been made understandable without providing extensive background information. Accordingly, multiple additional articles have been published simultaneously. They include the following:

I attempted to edit this material as best I could but the project has been extensive. Therefore, it’s likely that some errors have slipped past me. If anyone finds any typos, inaccuracies or other problems, please let me know and I’ll attempt to address them.

I hope that you will find this material interesting and informative.