
I am extremely excited about this website. I have recently learned enough HTML, CSS and Javascript to be dangerous, and as a result, I expect that the appearance of this site will evolve as I learn more. Please bear with me.

As stated in my About page, my main reason for developing this site is to introduce my forthcoming novel, The Formula. However, my dream is to develop comprehensive texts on physics, math and neuroscience geared toward the interested amateur; texts that fill in details and explanations that are not obvious, but which experts assume that you already know. Because of the demands of my day job, the chances of making significant advances on this project in the near future are slim. However, I have made outlines under the Topics menu at the upper right corner of this site and hope to fill them in, piecemeal, over a number of years.

For the present, I’d like to start with some works of fiction that incorporate my academic interests and the philosophical issues that they raise.

Accordingly, my first real post (coming soon) will be a short story entitled “The Ladies Club.”

I look forward to interacting with you.