Update after a heck of a year

It’s been a heck of a year. Have managed to avoid COVID-19 with a combination of masks, social distancing and vaccination. Am disappointed at the reluctance of people to adhere to measures that could’ve made this pandemic much less devastating. Social distancing is difficult – we are a social species – but wearing a mask just isn’t that hard. I’m particularly astounded at peoples’ hesitancy to get vaccinated. These vaccines, especially the mRNA vaccines, are nothing short of a God-send (Pfizer and Moderna both 95% effective and incredibly safe). Yet here we are, still struggling with this thing. Like my father always told me: you sleep in the bed that you make.

But enough of this soapbox banter. Because of the nature of my day job, unlike many, the COVID pandemic has kept me hopping. Despite being busy with work, I’ve managed to finish the first draft of my novel “To Catch the Wind” and am in the process of editing. In addition, I’ve started on a nonfiction work on science and religion. I’ve also made some notes about some topics in quantum mechanics/quantum field theory that I’d like to talk about, as much to solidify the concepts in my own mind as anything. Of course, putting them together into a presentable form on the website is the hard part. Hopefully, I can find the time to post more frequently in the coming months.