Problem rendering equations

Some of the equations in my Linear Algebra page and other longer pages on this website do not render properly. Such pages just shows the LaTex code I used to build the equations. Reloading the page usually eventually causes the site to render the equations properly so I’ll leave the offending pages up for now. (Note that this may take more than one reload to work.) Equations seem to look like they should on short pages. Therefore, I may ultimately need to convert these problematic long pages into a page containing links to shorter pages (like I did on my page on Calculus). I’m currently looking into this and hope to have a better solution soon.

Linear Algebra

A simple explanation of Linear algebra for the interested amateur

I’ve finally published a page on linear algebra. It’s a bit long. It’s a compilation of traditional textbooks as well as several online sources. The major source for this page is Gilbert Strang’s Introduction to Linear Algebra. Personally, I think it’s an excellent resource. I highly recommend it for anyone looking to learn linear algebra on their own. The fourth edition can be bought on Amazon, at the link above, for around $50. What’s great about it is that it’s coupled to a free online video course – specifically, the undergraduate linear algebra course that Strang teaches at MIT. This course, in turn, is part of a whole slew of great free online courses that are part of MIT’s OpenCourseWare series. I strongly urge to reader to check out this site.

Note that the current page is far from an exhaustive treatise on linear algebra. Rather, it summarizes the high points, especially those that I anticipate will be necessary for subsequent pages on physics, particularly those dealing with quantum mechanics. As in other articles on this site, there are topics in this article that are spelled out in detail or proven – discussions that professionals in these respective areas might find trivial. However, as stated in the “about” section and elsewhere, this site is geared toward interested amateurs like myself. Hopefully, these discussions will help this audience to understand these topics better.

I expect that I may add to or modify this page at some point or points in the future.

This linear algebra page that I have written can be reached by clicking on the following link:

Linear Algebra