The Ladies Club

What do you get when you cross Jerry Mahoney with The Stepford Wives? You get my first entry in the Fiction section of my website, my short story, “The Ladies Club.” The following is a link to this short story:

The Ladies Club

This short story is meant to be a companion to the first entry in the Neuroscience section of this site, “The Simple Response Machine.” The connection between my short story and this neuroscience article is that the neuroscience article, more or less, parallels the content of “the lecture” given by a character in my short story, psychologist Dr. Robert Baker. More importantly, the animations associated with “The Simple Response Machine” provide a visualization of many of “the slides” that Baker uses in his lecture. My recommendation would be to read “The Simple Response Machine” first, then read “The Ladies Club.”

I considered incorporating the animations into the lecture portion of the short story but, when I tried it, it just didn’t work.

Finally, as pointed out in my post introducing “The Simple Response Machine,” the reason that this neuroscience article and my short story are the first real content offered on this site is because they typify the types of issues that this site will address (especially, the relationships between science and philosophy and the use of literature to explore philosophical subject matter).

I hope you enjoy it.